Thursday, January 21, 2010

4 Minute Kettlebell Workout

Interval training has become a huge topic in the fitness industry and for good reason. Studies are showing that intervals are burning much more fat that steady state cardio will in less time. It is for this reason I will use a lot of interval training methods combined with my strength training. I love finishing workouts with quick interval circuits. These circuits only take a few minutes but they are performed at maximum effort.

I will often use the tabata protocol for this. This mean we perform an exercise for 20 seconds at a high intensity followed by 10 seconds of recovery. You can perform just one exercise or a few. This video is an example of this type of workout I did recently using the Gymboss interval timer. If you ever workout using intervals you need to get one of these.

Set your Gymboss timer to 20sec and 10sec.

You can even do this as your entire workout if you are short on time. Just perform it as shown or you can increase the number of rounds you perform. This workout done for 20 minutes would be a killer workout and would target your entire body.

If you would like to order a Gymboss timer click on the link below.

Purchase the Gymboss Interval Timer


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