Monday, January 18, 2010

10 Ways To Get Kids To Eat Healthier

This is a list taken from the January 2010 edition of ACE's Fitness Matters. My mom would have loved to know about some of these tips. I hated to eat just about everything good for your when I was growing up. Thankfully I grew out of it and love just about everything. Here are some tips that may help you and your children. #1 of course would be my favorite option.

1. Model healthy eating.
If you are eating healthy there is a good chance your children will copy you. If you are eating McDonald's then that is what they are going to want.

2. Eat together.
Family meals are usually more nutritious. It is a great way to teach about healthier eating plus it is always good to have family activities on a regular basis.

3. Increase exposure to healthy foods.
Children like what they know and they know what they like. If you give them something they have never seen or heard of before they will be less likely to experiment.

4. Let them choose the portion size.
How often do we hear adults say that they were required to "clean their plates" every meal. Let the kids have a say in how much food they want. We are implementing habits when they think they have to eat everything in front of them.

5. Share the control.
In line with the previous tips let your children have a say in what and how much they eat. We can regulate their choices but allowing them a say in what they want to have and how much will let them participate in their nutritional habits.

6. Refuse to be a short order cook.
It will be hard but refuse to accommodate special requests (this goes for spouses as well). Parents can be responsible for the types of food that are offered and the children can decide what they want to have and how much. If the child refuses to eat they will have access to there meal later if they become hungry. This may seem tough but you will be teaching your children a valuable lesson in nutrition.

7. Limit television time.
Too much television has been associated with a number of problems for kids. The more TV they watch the more exposure to unhealthy food ads directed at kids.

8. Exploit similarities.
If a child has accepted one type of food that they will eat then you can start to bridge off with similar foods. For example if they will eat pumpkin pie, then try mashed sweet potatoes, and then mashed carrots.

9. Make eating healthy fun.
Try and teach healthy nutrition in fun ways. You can help your kids grow their own small garden or plants. Or you can take them to local farmers markets and pick out there own fruits and vegetables to try at home.

10. Skip the food fights.
Research shows that when children are forced to eat certain foods they will not like them. They will not try them and will continue to not eat these foods into adulthood. Use the other tips to help your kids discover healthy foods they like on their own and support their decisions.


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