Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Set A Real Goal

Hi there. I hope you had a great New Year and you are ready to start 2011 with a bang. I had an interesting vacation. It was literally something right out of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, but no where near as funny. Every Christmas my wife and I try to see as much family as possible since we live so far away. We traveled to NY to visit my family where we got stuck in a blizzard. After a nightmare with the airports we had to drive down to Washington DC to catch a flight to Mississippi to visit my in laws. And finally my wife surprised me with a trip to New Orleans for my 30th birthday and New Years.

As great as it is to see everyone it is nice to be back home and in a routine again. So over our 10 day trip I managed to gain around 5lbs. And honestly I thought it would have been more. One of the great things about working out all year and eating healthy 90% of the time is I can afford to enjoy the holidays with no regrets. So I definitely enjoyed myself by taking a week off from workouts and eating whatever I wanted. In NY it was tons of Italian food, cookies, cheese cake, and ice cream. If that wasn't enough in Mississippi and New Orleans it was Hamburgers with peanut butter, fried catfish po boys, fried oysters, grilled oysters, jumbalaya omelet, gumbo, and beignets. Oh and I can't forget the beer, champagne, hurricanes, and hand grenades.

What's done is done. It is time to move on and figure out my goals that I need to start working on. Regardless of what your goals involve; health, business, spirituality, friendship.... you need to set good goals. The problem with New Year Resolutions is no one actually sticks to them. Instead of thinking about a goal for the whole year just pick a small goal for the month of January. After one month of sticking with that goal you can decide if you want to continue that goal or try working on something new. When ever creating a goal make sure you have a S.M.A.R.T. goal.

Specific- The more specific the better. "I want to lose weight" is not a very specific goal. Instead think of a number of pounds or a dress/pant size you want to get into.

Measurable- If you can't measure it, there is no way to know when you have reached your goal. You can want to be healthier or richer, but what does that mean. You need to find something you can measure like cholesterol or number of sales.

Attainable- Once you set a goal you need to shift your attitude and belief system. You must know that you can obtain this goal. No matter how big the goal might be you have the steps in place to reach that goal.

Realistic- This one is pretty self explanatory. Do not just pick easy goals though. You need to challenge yourself. But it must be possible to reach that goal. You might say you are going to lose 50lbs by February, but this is not realistic.

Timely- Give yourself a deadline. Think about in school when an assignment was due or at work when a big project was due. What happened as you got closer to the goal? You started to really focus and make it a priority. If there is no end date you will just keep putting it off until you just give up on it. Challenge yourself here don't wait all year to reach your goal. Pick a time that is realistic but will make you work.

Using these simple step you will start to develop goals that you will accomplish in no time. Here are a few of my SMART goals that I will be working on.


One of my weakest areas in fitness is flexibility. For the month of January I will be performing at least 1 stretch before bed every night. When time permits I will do more but I will at least do one stretch. It might be a simple goal but for someone who hates stretching it will be a challenge.


As you know, I'm sure, things are always changing in the fitness/business industry. For 2011 I will read 1 fitness or business related book. It is my goal to be the best trainer and business person I can by educating myself from experts.


It is always my goal to make more money than I did the year before but this is not a very specific goal. Instead I will build up my name and brand by giving one free lecture with different organizations and companies to help promote myself and my business this year.

So there are my goals. I would love to hear some of yours as well. One reason I am telling all of you some of my goals is to keep me accountable. If you ever see me feel free to ask me how I am doing on each. It is a great idea for you to do the same. Write it down in the comment section below so I can keep you accountable.

You Stay Healthy San Diego!

Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training
My Workout Creator

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