There are however a few pieces of equipment our there that I think are awesome. If you aren't sure what pieces of equipment are worth it or not here is a test you can use. Just ask yourself can this piece of equipment work multiple areas of the body. If the answer is yes then it is probably a useful tool. If the answer is no then keep moving. There is no such thing as spot reducing so don't listen to any ads that claim they can shape an area of your body doing one exercise.
For example, one of my favorite pieces of equipment to use is the TRX Suspension Trainer. This single tool can be used for hundreds of exercises for your entire body. They can be used in your home or outside. They can incredible convenient for exercise. You can click on the pic below to pick one up.

Another piece of equipment that I love are Battling Ropes. I have two of these at my studio. I just got one of few weeks ago and love using it for myself and well as with my clients. I love it because it is challenging, fun, and different. You don't see things like this at most gyms. It is a great tool to break up your traditional workout program. Here is a video I made of a few exercises.
These are tough to use in your home but if you want to pick one up you can click on the pick below:

You Stay Healthy San Diego,
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Personal Trainer
My Workout Creator
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