Monday, February 15, 2010

The Absolute Best Nutrition Advice I Can Give.

I think by now most people understand the importance of proper nutrition. Regardless of what you goal is you need to be conscious of you eat habits. As important and nutrition is, this is where most people will fail in their fitness program. There are literally hundreds of diet programs our there that you can follow. Most diet programs will work to some extent. Whether they keep the weight off is a true test of how good the program is.

If I could only give one piece of advice for nutrition it is simple. You MUST have a proactive food log. I could show you numerous studies that demonstrate how effective just keeping a food log will be on weight loss or weight gain. If you combine this with a proactive food log you will dramatically increase your results.

By a proactive food log I mean you write down your food first before you eat it. When most people start using a food log they think about what they had that day and start writing it down. Some with guess while some will measure everything they had. This can be good but what happens when you write in your food for the day and you overshot your calories? When you write down your food after you eat it you are very likely to make mistakes. Instead if you are proactive you can plan your food ahead of time.

Here is all you need to do. Every Sunday you write down what you are going to eat for the week. Add up the all calories/protein/fat...(whatever you want to track) and make sure you hit the right numbers. That way when the day goes by you just follow the plan. Obviously things will happen where you have to deviate. When this occurs you just have to make the smart choices and get back on track when you can. If you follow the plan that you have written out then you have no reason to fail. I promise you will get to your goal faster than ever.

One tool I like to use for this is This is a free site that can track your food. There are many other programs like this out there but I am a big fan of this one. You can even add Motivators who can look at the food logs you enter to keep you accountable. After you enter in your log you can see the breakdown of carbs/fats/proteins. Looking at this chart will help you determine if the meal plan you designed is the right proportions of food or not.

Give this a try next week and I promise you will see better results faster.

Good Luck,


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