Monday, February 8, 2010

Kettlebell Training: The Best Fat Burning Workout Ever?

Many people are now becoming more familiar with kettlebell training. If you have followed my blog in the past you have seen that I have posted different kb exercises and workouts before. I am a big believer in this type of training. I noticed an article in the latest issue of Fitness Matters put out by the American Council on Exercise. The article was called Kettlebells: Twice the Results in Half of the Time?

The article was about a study that involved 10 volunteers who were experienced with kb's. The researched put these volunteers through a 20 minutes kb workout and monitored each participant. They found that after the 20 minute workout that they were burning, on average 20.2 calories per minute (404 calories per 20 mins), which is very high. They compared this to running at a 6 minute mile pace. The average heart rate of the 20 minute workout was 93% of their HR Max. So these were very intense 20 minute workouts.

All of the results look amazing but then you look at the workout they did. It consisted of one exercise. It is a short workout but this would be one of the most boring workouts every. What they did was the KB Snatch. This is one of the foundation kb exercises. They did 15 seconds of snatches on one arm then rested 15 seconds and did the other arm. They continued this for 20 minutes. This would be a very tough workout but very boring. This most likely wouldn't be a typically kb workout so it is hard to say how realistic this study is.

The bottom line though is these people did burn a ton of calories using kb's. The main reasons are because kb's exercise are aerobic and anaerobic and they involve large total body movements. Combine these and you will have an awesome fat burning workout. I do think you would get similar results do this type of workout with just about any type of exercise that involve total body movements though. Despite this kb training is a great fat burning tool and should be added to your routine. Below is a 4 minute workout I recently posted using kb's.


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