I recently just finished my latest 8 Week Transformation Challenge. I usually conduct 3-4 of these per year. Each time we do it I am blown away by some of the results that we get. I have made it my personal goal to continue to tweak the program so that it gets better and better.
This last challenge we had someone break our weight loss record of 20lbs. Our winner ended up losing a total of 28.5lbs, 4.2% body fat, and 14.5 inches. Our runners up also saw amazing results. The top 7 participants all lost over 10lbs not to mention a big decrease in body fat and loss of inches.
The great thing about this program is anyone can do it. We had individuals who had been working out for year and some of having been doing anything for years.
Now the program involved more than just strength training. We also followed a cardio program and nutrition guidelines that were crucial for the results. I thought I would give you a sneak peak into what a workout looked like for this program. Below is an actual workout we did in the program. Give it a try and see how it feels. If you are interested in learning more about the 8 Week Program and are interested in joining the waiting list just click on the link below:
Just note that we did not start with this workout. We did progress to get to this point. Some exercise may have been modified for certain people but this was the premise of the workout.
8 Week Fat Loss Challenge Sample Workout
Phase II Workout A
Triset A
Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 12 reps. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
1. KB Squat With Upright Row
2. SB Push Ups
3. DB Lateral Lunges
Triset B
Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 12 reps. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
1. KB Swings
2. Kneeling Shoulder Press
3. Cable Cobras
Superset C
Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 12 reps. Rest 30 seconds between sets.
1. DB Deck Squats
2. Cable Rotations
Core Circuit
Perform each exercise for 2 rounds with 30 seconds rest between exercises and sets.
1. Side Plank Rotations
2. In and Outs
3. Deadbugs
Metabolic Acceleration Training
Perform 2 round of the following circuit. Do each exercise for 20 seconds and rest 10-20 seconds between each.
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Squat Jumps
3. MB Slams
4. Jumping Jacks
Stretch and Your Done!
Let me know if you have any questions.
You Stay Healthy San Diego!
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training
My Workout Creator
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