Foods You Thought Were Bad
Written by Christine Burke with Light Hearted FitnessI just got this article from fellow trainer Christine Burke and I thought you might find in interesting. Enjoy...
In case you didn't get the good news, these foods are not as bad for you as previously believed:
(1) Eggs & Shrimp
(2) Dark Meat & Red Meat
(3) Whole Dairy
(4) Coconut Oil
(5) Coffee
All of these foods have been linked to heart disease in the past, but here are the happy updates:
- 1, 2 and 3 are animal products containing cholesterol. It was once thought that eating cholesterol would rai se cholesterol, which might then cause heart disease. Research has since shown that eating cholesterol does not affect blood levels as much as we had feared.
- 1, 2, 3 and 4 contain saturated fats. Studies have shown that saturated fats are linked to heart disease, but key research has fallen under criticism, some saturated fats seem to have benefits, and new research came up with no clear link.
- Apparently, Harvard says you can drink 6 cups of coffee per day without increasing risk for mortality. When p eople tell me about their health habits, "6 cups of coffee a day" typically indicates... oh... issues... but the point is, as long as you don't have sleep or anxiety problems, go ahead and enjoy a cup or two.
Mike again here. Unfortunately this article is very typical in the fitness and nutrition world. We are convinced certain exercises and foods are terrible for us and then we find out that they probably aren't that bad and may be important to include.
I think the best advice is to stay up on GOOD research, the best you can, or at least follow someone who does, and when things work stick with them. If you were eating whole eggs for breakfast everyday, losing weight and feeling great, then you should probably continue doing it. Especially now with the new research out there. If you aren't sure you can always go to your doctor and have a blood panel done regularly. If you see things are getting better keep doing what you are doing, if they are getting worse stop it.
You Stay Healthy San Diego,
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training
My Workout Creator
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