Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday Hangover Workout

Well it is the time of the year where I feel like every weekend is some kind of holiday party so I am surrounded by food and drinks. It is times like this that I am thankful that I take care of myself the earlier part of the year and can splurge alittle now. Even when I do splurge though I usually feel pretty bad the next day and want to make up for it with a good workout. Being in San Diego we are lucky since we can workout outside pretty much all year round. I did this workout at a park near my house, but you can modify it for an indoor gym workout too.

Warm Up:
1/2 mile run to the park followed by a dynamic warm up:
20 Yd Skips w/ arm swings
20 Yd "A" Skips
20 Yd "B" Skips
20 Yd Side Shuffles
20 Yd Lunge with reach
20 Yd Bear Crawls

(I made each station at different parts of the park so I had to run about 50 yds to each)

10 Pull Ups (used a swing set)
10 Box Jumps (used a table)
25 Push Ups
10 1 Legged Squats (on a bench)
20 Sit Ups
20 Yd Sprint back to the beginning

I went through this circuit 3 times taking breaks when I needed them. I didn't time it but it probably took about 30 minutes to get through. It was a great cure for the holiday party hangover.


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