Monday, December 21, 2009

Does your weight loss plan look like this?

A study by the North American Association for the study of Obesity looked at cardio exercise and weight loss with a group of untrained individuals. Their workout plans consisted of 60 minutes of aerobic exercise for 6 days a week. They followed this group for 12 months and reported on their weight loss. With this program they were working out for roughly 360 minutes per week for an entire year (if they completed every workout).

The researchers found that the women in the group lost a total of 3lbs on averages while the men lost about 4lbs for the year. This compared to a control group who did not exercise and gain an average of 1.5lbs. Diets were not restricted in these programs.

It is obviously better to be 3-4lbs less than 2lbs heavier by the end of the year, but look at the work this group had to put in. Working out 6 days per week for 60 minutes is not easy to do. And with such a small weight loss result, it just doesn't seem worth it.

So how can this be if they worked out so much and didn't lose much weight? The two main reasons are the diet wasn't modified and they did not focus on strength training. When will everyone learn that the best way to lose weight is to focus on strength training.

If you want to lose 3 times as much as the subjects in this study in just 6 weeks you can check out my Accelerated Fat Loss Program. This is a 6 week challenge that will be starting this January. You can sign up for more information here.

Mike Deibler M.S., C.S.C.S.

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