Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Supplements Should I Be Taking?

The supplement industry has grown into a multi billion dollar industry. With everyone looking for the next best thing, people will spend a large sum of money testing different supplements. For the most part you are pretty much throwing your money away. Usually you are spending your money on good marketing techniques. If you are just starting a workout routine there is really no need to take any supplements. Maybe a multivitamin but that is probably it unless your doctor has prescribed something for you already. Workout and eat a healthy diet and you will get the results you are looking for. Every now and then we all need a little push or extra motivation to keep going. This is where some supplements will help. Supplements should only be used to either stick to a program or to help get a little extra out of your workout. No supplement out there will melt away fat and build muscle without the workout and diet. Anything legal at least. This brings me to my next point. If all of these supplements really worked then they would be illegal for athletes. If you gained that much of an edge by taking a specific supplement they would be banned in the sporting world. The reason most supplements are not banned is because they don't really do that much. Some will help give you a better workout but do not expect amazing results by taking a supplement. If you want to try a supplement out stick to the basics. Here are a few that have had some good studies showing some positive results:
  1. Whey and Casein Protein Blend
  2. Creatine
  3. Beta Alanine
  4. Caffeine

There are more supplements out there that have some benefit but these are just a few basic ones that may be considered in you are trying to improve your workouts. Never count on a supplement to get you to your goal. Anyone that says it will is lying. Your workouts and diet are getting the results you want, not the supplements. If taking a supplement will help you workout harder or eat better than it is worth considering.


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