Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Boot Camp Classes

If you leave near the beach you will notice more and more beach boot camp classes coming up. They are even filling up local parks and gyms as well. If you have never experienced how of these classes I highly recommend trying it out. They are not for everyone but are worth a shot. Boot camp classes will combine high intense cardio exercises mixed with strength exercises. Most exercises will include body weight or partners but often times addition equipment such as medicine balls, resistance bands, and kettlebells will be used. Boot Camp style classes are great for a few of the following:
1. Burn a ton of calories in a short period of time.
2. Workout outside and away from the gym.
3. Avoid boredom with nontraditional exercises and activities.
4. Meet individuals with similar fitness interests.

Whether you are looking to lose 50lbs, just tone up alittle, or build more muscle you will find boot camps to be very beneficial. Change up your routine by adding a boot camp class in once or twice a week.

Here is a clip from one of my beach classes:


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