Monday, December 15, 2008

A Guilt Free Holiday

It is that time of year again so quickly. I am still in shock that the New Year will be here so soon. With January coming up so quick, we have to start planning our New Year's resolutions. The average person will gain around 7 lbs from Thanksgiving to the New Year. Some of you might be well into that by now. It is extremely hard to lose weight over the holidays. In fact it is very hard to stay at the same weight. Get a head start on your resolutions by starting your workout routine now. I know it is a busy time for most people, but anyone can spare 20 mins a few days a week to get a quick workout in. The more you can workout the less guilty you will feel at your holiday parties.

Also, set realistic goals for the holidays. If you know you won't change your eating and drinking habits just make the goal to stick to a workout plan through the New Year. If you can do this, even if you are still partying and eating every weekend, there is a good chance that you won't gain any weight. That way when you get motivated in January you are already in the routine and you will have less weight to lose. Less weight to lose means you will get to your goal faster and be ready to put on that swimsuit and get out to the beach next summer.

Have a great workout.


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