Friday, November 21, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for checking out my blog. For my first posting I just wanted to put up a welcome message and explain what I will be discussing here. I had been blogging at but when I opened my personal training studio I wanted to start over fresh with a new blog.

The purpose of this blog is to share my experience and insight on different health and fitness topics. With obesity on the rise people are in need of assistance to get to a healthier lifestyle. I know that it is hard getting to the gym and eating right and even when you can do it you might not know what you should be doing. I have definitely learned that even though people think they know what healthy nutrition is but really have no idea. I hope the postings to follow will help you get a little closer to where you need to be.

I did want to briefly talk about one tip to help you get started. Remember the phrase everything in moderation. You don't have to be perfect with your workouts and your eating. It is ok to cheat. You can have that wine, cake, chocolate, or whatever you vice is. Just remember in moderation. Most things are ok in moderation. While they might be a minor set back sometimes it doesn't mean you blew it and should give up.

I will do my best to post as often as possible. I really appreciate any feedback or questions to spark discussions.



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