I think there are two reasons why people decide to start an exercise program and eating healthier. I have a hard time saying which one is perceived as more important surprisingly though. These two reasons are we want to look better and we want to live longer. You would think that living longer would be the most popular choice, but I definitely hear the goal of looking better naked more than living longer.
Let's focus on what should be the more important goal of living longer. Although living longer should not be the only thing we worry about. We want to live a longer, but High Quality of life. Obviously the earlier you start in life with an exercise program the easier it is and the more beneficial it can be. Sometimes when the effects of aging arise, it may be too late to get rid of them and the best you can do is manage them.
Before we go any further, I want to make the point that the keys we are going to discuss here may not make you look younger necessarily. I won't tell you I have a magic cream that will remove wrinkles or tighten your skin. Instead I am going to give you 4 things that if you do you will be more likely to live a longer life and be able to take care of yourself on your own.
These 4 keys came from a Danish study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. They followed 120,852 men and women aged 55–69 who provided information on dietary and other lifestyle habits. Researchers found that those who stuck to these 4 habits lived longer:
1. Adhered to the Mediterranean Diet.
2. Did not smoke.
3. Stayed at a normal weight (BMI of 18-24).
4. Participated in regular physical activity.
It is as simple as that. These four easy habits resulted in years added to their life. In fact they found the mortality rate advancement period was 15 years for women and 8 years for men.
The last 3 habits are pretty self explanatory. Don't smoke, keep your body weight normal, and exercise. The first point may need to further explanation.
The Mediterranean Diet is essential a high fat diet. I know we were told for years that fat is the enemy. Then food products came out that were low fat and we became fatter. Now we are told carbs are the enemy and what happened? We are still getting fatter. (It is time we worry less about what macro nutrients we are getting, and focus on what foods we are eating.)
Here are some keys to following this diet:
- Eat primarily plant-based foods (fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, and nuts)
- Replace butter with healthy fats such as olive oil
- Use herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods
- Limit red meat to no more than a few times per month
- Eat fish and poultry at least twice a week
You Stay Healthy San Diego!
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training
My Workout Creator
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