Chances are you put on a few pounds this weekend and are ready to get them off as fast as possible, along with maybe a few more unwanted pounds. I just came across a few great studies in the latest American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that may help you get rid of some unwanted fat or just help you get on a healthy path.
Study 1: Short sleep duration increases energy intakes but does not change energy expenditure in normal-weight individuals

This can be an easy fix. Make sure you are getting adequate sleep every night to avoid increased calorie consumption.
Study 2: Green tea intake lowers fasting serum total and LDL cholesterol in adults: a meta-analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials
Again the title says it all here. In this study researchers wanted to look at green tea's effect on cholesterol levels. Green tea has already shown many great health benefits including possible increased fat burning. This study reviewed 14 eligible randomized controlled trials using green tea. They found that through all of these studies, 1136 subjects, there was a significant reduction in total cholesterol and LDL levels. There was no effect on HDL levels, however.
Study 3: Cruciferous vegetable consumption is associated with a reduced risk of total and cardiovascular disease mortality
And our final study involves vegetable consumption, which I know most people tend to struggle with. Asian populations tend to consume large amounts of cruciferous vegetables and other plant based foods. This study wanted to determine the effects of a diet high in these cruciferous vegetables. This is just a family name for certain vegetables. Some of the more popular ones are kale, collard greens, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli.

I know these three studies are a little random but I thought they are very useful tips for anyone trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Key points:
1. Sleep more
2. Drink Green Tea
3. Eat more vegetables
You stay healthy San Diego,
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training
My Workout Creator
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