Hey there. I hope you have having a great day so far. I wanted to share some insight with you that I have had during my latest 8 week body transformation challenge. We are currently in the 6th week and I am really excited with the progress everyone has made. We are really seeing some great transformations!
I am definitely beginning to see a trend with people who are the most successful with their weight loss, whether it be from these challenges, or just in general from other clients I work with. Here are the 3 MOST important things you must do before you will lose 1lb. None of these involve exercising or nutrition. Obviously those are huge aspects of the program, but before you even think about working out or dieting, you must do these 3 things:
1. Have a plan.
The good thing with diet and exercise is there are plenty of choices out there. We just need to figure out exactly what you are going to need to do to lose weight. This will be different for everyone. What is the same though, is that everyone must do something different to see a change in their body. If you are trying to lose weight we need a game plan to follow. Think about anything else you want to accomplish in life. How much easier is it if you follow instructions, instead of just figuring it out as you go? Yes I am guilty of throwing out directions and trying to put something together on my own. Ask my wife how that usually goes...
It always helps to have a professional put together a program for you but many of these things you can plan yourself. You must know exactly what type of nutrition program you want to follow and how you are going to increase your activity level. Once you have your plan, you need to schedule it out. Make note of what days you will workout, what day you will start, and what day it will end. Having an end date is critical. You may not reach your goal by the end date, but that is the time you can evaluate how your plan has worked. If it is going great you might continue on with it and create a new end date.
There are many studies that have proven, we are very similar to our circle of influences. We tend to be just like the people we associate with. If they are overweight then you will most likely be overweight. There are many, many negative people out there that will try and drag you down. If they can't accomplish something, then they may not want you to be successful either. Make sure the people you are hanging out with are going to support you 100%. If someone is just draining your energy, it is time to decrease the time you spend with them.
3. Believe You Can Do It!
If you do not believe you can lose weight, you will not. If you feel like you are cursed and will just be overweight forever, then you will. We tend to look at others and say how lucky some people are. Ask the most successful people in the world if they got there by luck. Hard work and truly believing you will achieve your goal is what will bring success. Don't look for the easy way out. There is none. Instead of thinking how nice it would be if you lost weight or hit your goal, think how good it is GOING to be when you get there.
You stay healthy San Diego!
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training
My Workout Creator