The theory makes sense. If you have no food in your system and you start to workout the energy has to come from somewhere so why not fat. You have a limited supply of energy stores in the muscle, but since you haven't eaten in a while they will be depleted. So we can assume that the energy will come from our fat stores.
Unfortunately you know what assuming does. And things never work out this simple, especially in the fitness world. A recent study in the February 2011 issue of the International Journal of Sport Nutrition, Exercise, and Metabolism looked to answer this question.

The Results? They found that exercising on an empty stomach did not enhance fat burning anymore than when consuming breakfast. They also found, and more importantly, that resting energy expenditures where significantly higher in the 24 hours after the workout when participants consumed breakfast. So, eating breakfast before a workout can actually help you lose more weight.

So start your day with a healthy breakfast before you hit the gym.
You Stay Healthy San Diego,
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training
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