Hi there. I hope you are doing great this week. I am still recovering from a friend's bachelor party this past weekend. It feels good to be back on my workout routine and regular eating habits. One fact I am definitely sure of, is that bachelor parties are not good for reducing stomach fat. I am hoping I didn't do too much damage this weekend. But can breads actually help us reduce stomach fat?

The key is what kind of carbs you are eating.
In the latest issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition there was a study released that looked at eating whole grains vs. refined grains and how fat was stored in the abdomen. This study involved 2,834 participants (men & women) of ages 32-84.
The study found that there was in fact a correlation with eating grains and abdominal fat. What they observed was that by increasing whole-grains into a diet there was lower visceral fat in the abdomen and those that ate more refined-grains saw an increase in visceral abdominal fat.

When you eat refined grains you are essentially eating simple sugars. Some simple sugars are not the worse thing to be eating, but in our society, these refined grains make up the majority of our diets. When possible stick with whole grains which are rich in fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, and selenium.
Examples of Whole Grains:
Whole Wheat (Ezekiel Bread)
Brown Rice
Oat Grouts
Examples of Refined Grains:
White Flour
Degermed Cornmeal
White Bread
White Rice
Corn Tortillas
Cereal (Although you will find some that contain whole grains)
Remember to check the labels. Some of the examples listed above can be found as whole grain products but not all. If you see the words whole grain you are probably ok although some products will mix whole and refined grains.
So it is possible to eat bread and have a smaller stomach, as long as you are sticking with whole grains, which most people will not do.
You Stay Healthy San Diego.
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training
My Workout Creator
1 comment:
Hey Christy. Great job! Thank you for the comment.
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