Monday, November 9, 2009

Get A Head Start On Your New Years Resolution

I always try and preach to my clients to get a head start on their New Years Resolution. This is the time of year when most people are stressed at work to get everything done before the holidays and their exercise program usually suffers. This means they gain a few extra pounds. Be honest, how many people do you know that do not gain any weight over the holidays.

Why do we have to wait until January 1st to start? Will things really be that better then? You will actually be worse off. You probably will be 5-10lbs heavier and have more work to do. The bottom line is there is never a perfect time to get started on an exercise program. You will always be able to think of some reason why you should put it off. Once you realize this you can finally accept the fact that it is going to be hard but you will start immediately.

This doesn't mean you have to start everything all at once. If you feel like you will get overwhelmed just take it one thing at a time. First you can start a strength training program 2-3 days per week. Once you developed that routine you can add a cardio program a few days a week. Then finally you can start to control your eating habits. While this is very effective and will work, just remember if you are not doing all the pieces at once your results will be much slower so do not expect miracles right away. If you do start now though you will prevent yourself from added those extra holiday pounds. Think about how much better you will feel about splurging for the holidays because you exercised as much as possible before them.

If you need a little extra help you can check out this program to get you started. It is a great program that will explain how to burn fat and build muscle with proper nutrition and exercise. Just click on the link below to learn more.

Click Here!



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