Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Fastest Way To Lose Weight:

As a society we are getting lazier and lazier and fatter and fatter. With the amazing technological advances we are finding ways to get more done with less effort. It is no surprise then that everyone wants to find that magic pill for weight loss. You see claims everywhere no a days. Drink this juice that comes from berries in the jungle and you will lose weight or take these pills and you will drop pounds instantly.

Bottom line is all of these claims cannot be backed up. They are all marketing techniques to get you to buy there product. With all the new food products and exercise equipment you would like that we have made amazing discoveries to help with weight loss. Sorry to say but it is not true. We have figured out more efficient ways to lose weight and build muscle but the foundation has always been the same. If you seriously want to lose weight here are some crucial things you need to start doing to lose the weight fast:

1. Keep a food log
The number of calories will vary from person to person but keeping track of everything you eat will give you an understanding of what you are putting in your body. The majority of the food you write down should be nutrient dense foods. Prepare meals yourself that way you know exactly what you are eating. It is very difficult to overeat when you consistently eat nutritious foods.

2. Strength Train at least 2 days per week
Many feel that cardio is more important if you are trying to lose weight but strength training is the only exercise that will promote muscle gain or limit muscle loss. Forget about lifting light weight for more reps. The best rep range for fat loss will be from 8-12 reps with moderate to heavy loads. You should be stressing your muscles each set of every workout.

3. Cardio exercise at least 2 days per week
This is usually the part of the program everyone will remember to do. To increase fat metabolism you need to increase your intensity. You will burn more fat in less time. Interval workouts are a great way to increase your intensity for cardio workouts.

San Diego Boot Camp


Michele Miller said...

Hey Mike, small world...i met Christine Burke at a BNI event and then logged on to her website to see that she has you listed as one of her favorite links! I liked your article on the Fastest Way to Lose Weight and have passed it on to some of my weight loss clients with your Premier Training number...i myself have been making it a goal to weight train at least twice a week...been doing way to much soccer and tennis!

Hope you are well!
Michele Miller
Isagenix International

Michele Miller said...

p.s. say hello to Angelika!