Friday, August 7, 2009

My Knees Hurt

Unfortunately most people that start an exercise program suffer an injury at some point. Sometimes we get certain aches and pains that are pretty hard to avoid. Most injuries, however, can be avoided with a well structured program.

One of the first mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is skip strength training and start with cardio. I have seen many runners complain of knee issues. When I ask what type of conditioning program they are on the two things they usually do not mention is stretching and strength training. Some people think there is a need to "get into shape" before hitting the gym. They want to get in better condition so when they workout with weights they will be stronger. Running will not get your muscle stronger. You will improve your endurance running. Strength training will get you stronger. You want to make sure your muscles, joints, and connective tissue are ready for the impact of running. If anything you want to strength train to get in shape for running.

Stretching is another huge component that is often left out. We get the urge to jump right into a program and kill ourselves to get weight off. If you can be patient and start with a basic strength training and flexibility program you will dramatically decrease your chance of injury. It is ok to walk away from a work with energy. You should not be completely wiped out every time you workout. Especially if you are just getting started. Build up a strong base and then you can get out running 5 miles a day.

If you often have pain from running you need to re-evaluate your program. It is ok to take a step back so we can take a bigger step forward.

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