Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Effective 4 Minute Workout

You probably hear commercials that claim you can get a great workout in a few minutes a day. Sometimes there is some truth to this, while others not so much. The Tabata Protocol is probably one that you may not have heard of before. This type of workout is based from a study by Dr. Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. In this study Dr. Tabata showed that you can improve aerobic and anaerobic capabilities in a 4 minute interval workout. He used intervals of 20 seconds of very intense braked cycling with 10 seconds of rest. This type of workout can be carried over into a gym or at home easily. This 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off protocol seem to stress different energy systems in the body making it an overall more effective workout than moderate paced cardio.

This type of training is not a miracle fat burning workout. It should not replace your normal workout routine. What it is a great workout if you are short on time or a great way to finish your current workout routine. Try it out after your next workout. Once you complete your normal routine try this Tabata style circuit to finish you off.

Jump Squats
Clap Push ups
Lunge Jumps
Mountain Climbers

Remember you perform each exercise for 20 seconds then rest 10 and move to the next. In this example you would perform two circuits to get the full 4 minutes. During the exercise to get the full benefit you must be working hard. You want to make each interval as intense as you can.

Good Luck,


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