While everyone has their own unique problem areas when it comes to excess fat storage on the body, most people are always concerned with how to drop extra weight around the midsection. And for good reason too. While most people just don't like how it looks, there is an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and early mortality with an increase in waist size due to extra fat stored in the midsection.
What can be done about this common problem? While I wish I could give you 1 simple solution, it just is not that easy. There most likely is not just one reason this is occurring. But there are a few different tricks you can use to help fight this problem. And I can assure you, none of the tricks involves abdominal exercise. While there is nothing wrong with doing abdominal exercises they just are not very effective for burning fat in your stomach. They do increase strength and endurance, so I still recommend you perform these types of exercises, but do not rely on them to give you a six pack alone. In fact, did you know it would take over 15,000 sit ups to burn one pound of fat. Good luck with that if you want to try it.
Instead try following these 6 Tricks to fight off belly fat:
1. Exercise.
I know it might sound too simple, but it is true. both cardio training and resistance training have been shown to decrease the size of abdominal fat cells. Diet alone has not been shown to do this. If there is one type of exercise you enjoy more you should focus more on that type of training, but make sure you include both. Cardio training help burn stomach fat during the workout, while resistance training build lean muscle mass which burns stomach fat more throughout the day after your workout. The combination is the best way to go. Try to perform activities that involve bigger more total body movements, opposed to single muscle type exercises.
2. Perform High Intensity exercise.
When compared to low intensity exercise, high intensity exercise burns significantly more abdominal fat. If you are a beginner to exercise, than you will want to hold off on this. If you have been training for a while try increasing your intensity with resistance training or H.I.I.T. For resistance training try performing lower rep higher weight workouts. I know this might sound backwards to what you have heard before but it is true. This type of high intensity workout is great for burning fat. Especially if you do not normally do this. If you want to increase your cardio intensity, try intervals. You will perform harder work for shorter time (1-3 minutes) and then slow down for a few minutes to recover, and repeat. Just make sure you are getting to high enough intensities. If I was standing next to you during your workout, you should not be able to talk to me very easily.
3. Find Ways To Manage Stress.
Stress is inevitable. At some point in your day you will have to deal with certain stressors. How you handle this can influence your belly fat. Cortisol, one of our stress hormones, is released in response to stress. While we need this hormone for normal function, if we are under heavy stress for long periods of time this can lead to the storage of fat in the stomach. To prevent this find ways to cope with stress when it comes your way. We will never be able to limit it, but managing it will go a long way. Use exercise as a stress release, or yoga, or meditation. There are a number of ways you can deal with stress. Realize when you are under stress and find ways to manage it.
4. Increase Your Fiber.
There are a few dietary changes you can make to help reduce abdominal fat and there are many heath benefits from eating enough fiber. Not only will these foods tend to be more filling and usually make you eat less throughout the day, diets high in fiber might help reduce belly fat. One study showed that a diet of 10g of fiber a day, with no other dietary changes lead to less development of stomach fat. Most likely you would want to get more than 10g but this is a good start.
5. Drink Green Tea Everyday.

6. Watch Fat Intake But Don't Avoid It.
Fat has been getting a bad rap for years. When you go down the health food aisle at the grocery store you will see low fat items everywhere. Are these really healthy though? While overconsumption of fats, especially saturated fats can lead to problems, we still need to consume fat in our diets. Research is finding that overconsumption of saturated fats can lead to excess belly fat, while the right amount of unsaturated fats can help prevent it. Try adding avocado, sunflower oil, and pine nuts to your weekly grocery list.
I hope this helps you battle the bulge. Feel free to comment below with questions or other tips for our readers.
You Stay Healthy San Diego,
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training