We get so obsessed with calories and fat that we lose the big picture. The secret to losing weight is to eat primarily whole foods. For example of the misconception we have, look at whole milk. Many people will not even glance at it in the dairy section, but you should take a closer look. Here is the nutritional label for whole milk:

So one serving is only 150 calories. Really not that bad when we think about all the Vitamin A and D as well as calcium and protein we are getting. What scares people here is the fat content. Now let's compare it to 1% milk:

Ok so now we could out 30 calories which is good and kept the protein the same. But we actual increased sugar even though fat went down. We also increased the amount of sodium which is usually a major problem in the Western Diet. So to save a few calories and fat we increased so other issues. We also want to consider the Vitamin A and D. These are both fat soluble vitamins. Meaning without fat you cannot proper absorb these nutrients. So, just because it is on the label doesn't mean you are getting it.
My point to this article isn't to have you go out and get whole milk from now on, but you can if you don't have a problem with diary. It is more to look at the American diet. With all the new "healthy foods" and options out there, why is obesity on the rise. We are always looking for the easy way to get to our goals. The easy way is to eat more whole, unprocessed foods. Also, we need fat in our diet. We need more unsaturated Omega 3's in our diets. Stay away from low/non fat foods or sugar free. By giving up one you are increasing the other or something else that will not help you lose weight.
Here is a check list you can use the next time you are at the grocery store. If you have any of these items in your cart get rid of them:
- White Bread
- Cookies
- Crackers
- Enriched Flour Pasta
- Cakes
- Cereal made with refined flour
- Premade package/prepackage foods
- Corn Chips/Doritos/Fritos
- Diet Soda
- Fat Free Rice Cakes
- Slim Fast Shakes
- Refined Vegetable Oil
Mike Deibler
San Diego Premier Training
My Workout Creator