I recently looked through the latest addition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and it seemed like one study after the next was extremely relevant for my clients and the readers on this blog. These studies aren't really related at all, but I figured I would just post the findings up to give you 4 EASY tips and behaviors that you can immediately start implementing to help you live longer, healthy, and lose weight easier.
Tip #1- Eat Foods High In Flavonoids.
A cohort study found that individuals who consumed diets high in flavonoids were significantly less likely to die of cardiovascular disease. Flavonoids are antioxidants that are found mainly in plants like fruits and veggies. Good sources are apples, apricots, blueberries, pears, raspberries, strawberries, black beans, cabbage, oinions, parsley, pinto beans, and tomatoes.
Tip #2- Don't sit down or watch too much TV.
Researchers found that time spent in sedentary behavior was positively associated with mortality and even those that participated in moderate to vigorous activity did not fully avoid the health risks associated with prolonged time watching television. It has been well documented that those who sit more have a much higher risk of health issues and even exercising may not completely reduce that risk.
Tip# 3- Eat More Often.
Another study found that they were able to predict a greater gain in stomach and waist fat in adolescent females who skipped meals. Those that ate more frequently were able to keep lower BMI and waist circumferences.
Tip# 4- Take a Fish Oil Supplement.
Here they found that in women aged around 65, saw better adaptations to strength training while taking a fish oil supplement when compared to a group not taking it. They saw improvements in both groups but the Fish Oil group saw better progress in developing strength and better functional capacity.
There you go. Four simple things you can start doing immediately to help make 2012 the healthiest year yet.
You Stay Healthy San Diego,
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training