If you have been following some of the more recent trends in nutrition, you have probably heard that you should try and eat smaller meals more often. If not, this is probably something you want to consider doing. I know sometimes our schedule doesn't always permit us to eat on a regular routine, but it is something that you strongly should consider.
Often what I hear from people I talk to about nutrition is they usually don't eat breakfast, have some coffee to get going, grab a fast food lunch on the go, and then have a huge dinner with a few glasses of wine. They just don't have time to eat more often. If this sounds anything like your diet you probably are struggling with losing weight. You do have time you just need to figure out how to make it work for you. Just saying you don't have time is an excuse that you aren't willing to try it.
We are often told calories in and calories out are all that matter for weight loss. While these two numbers are extremely important we have to look at the timing of your calories as well. I just found these two interesting studies that support why you should eat 6-8 meals per day.
Effects of meal frequency on body composition during weight control in boxers.
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 1996 Oct;6(5):265-72.
This study wanted to investigate the effects on meal frequency on changes in body composition by food restriction. They used boxers that were trying to cut their weight so they knew the athletes would stick to the diet program. The boxers were dividing into two groups. One group at 2 meals per day while the other group at 6 meals per day. Both consumed the same exact diet just changed how frequently they would eat.We would think that both groups should see the same exact results. However the study resulted in two things. First, both groups did lose weight and there were no significant difference between each group there. So it sounds like it doesn't matter how often you eat. BUT, they did find that the decrease in lean body mass in the 2 meal group was significantly greater and they resulted in greater myoprotein catabolism. So basically, while they both lost about the same amount of weight the 2 meal group lost more muscle and was breaking down muscle for energy.
Decreased thermic effect of food after an irregular compared with a regular meal pattern in healthy lean women
International Journal of Obesity (2004) 28, 653–660. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802616 Published online 16 March 2004
This study took a group of women and had them eat a regular meal pattern, meaning they would eat things they normally would eat but consume meals 6-9 times per day, for 2 weeks. After this phase they were required to follow irregular meal patterns meaning they alternated between 3 meal, 6 meals, and 9 meals per day. After each phase they tested metabolic rate after eating. This was measuring the thermic effect of food. Part of our metabolic rate is made up of the thermic effect of food since it takes energy to breakdown and digest food.This study found that irregular meal frequency led to a lower energy expenditure compared with regular meal frequency. This reduced TEF with irregular meal frequency may lead to weight gain in the long term.
So by eating a more often we know you will preserve more muscle mass and you will burn more calories. If you do not follow a regular schedule eating routine I highly recommend you try and work it into your schedule.