I hope you are having a great week so far. Superbowl Sunday is just a few days away. This day is full of overeating and drinking. Remember that even healthy foods and snacks can lead to an increase in stomach size, but choosing the right snacks is a great start. Here is a guest blog post from Nutritionist Dr. Chris Mohr from www.MohrResults.com. He has some VERY simple and healthy snacks you can have this Sunday. Just watch how much you are consuming.
Healthy Superbowl Snacks:80 million. That’s the amount of pounds of avocados estimated to be eaten on Superbowl Sunday.
30 million. That’s approximately the number of pounds of five popular snack foods (potato chips, tortilla chips, pretzels, popcorn, and nuts) Americans will eat on Superbowl Sunday.
2.5 million. That’s how many nuts will be eaten on Super Bowl Sunday.
1,200. That’s the approximate amount of calories people will eat on Superbowl Sunday in snacks alone. Not counting the meals (or drinks)!
20%. That’s the increase in sales of antacids on Superbowl Sunday alone.
Startling facts, huh? Think we overdo the high fat, high calorie foods and alcohol a bit too much?
Is it possible to still be “heart healthy” and enjoy the Superbowl?
Here are a few ideas…
We talked about avocado earlier in the week – well with 80 million pounds eaten on Superbowl Sunday, it’s one food we do pretty well with. Here’s a recipe for homemade guac – a favorite Superbowl snack at the Mohr House (even Ella loves mashed avocado)!
GuacamoleWe won’t revisit the nutrient benefits of avocados – check out our article on the health benefits of avocado here if you missed it earlier in the week.
Instead, here’s a super simple guacamole recipe you can try for the game tonight:
2 fully ripened Avocados, halved, pitted and diced
1 tsp salt
1 TBS fresh lime juice
2 TBS, chopped cilantro
Dash cayenne pepper (optional if you want some added kick)
In a bowl, combine all ingredients. Cover and chill until ready to serve (NOTE: the avocado might get slightly brown in the fridge. No problem, just stir it up.
Prep time: 5 minutes. Yields 1 ½ cups
NutsNuts can be fantastic for you, but at the same time they can be way too easy to overeat.
That’s where in shell pistachios come into play – take off the shell, enjoy the pistachio, but then don’t discard the shells. Leave them visible in a bowl – research published in the Journal of Consumer Research showed that when people saw the “residue” of foods they’d eaten, they ate 27% less overall!
That’s an incredibly simple way to eat less fat and calories.
PizzaIt’s estimated that at least 58% of Americans order pizza on Game Day.
Save some money. Save the hassle. And save a ton of fat and calories by making your own – with a tortilla base rather than a thick, doughy, fiber free crust.
Try this super simple recipe – or watch our video on how to lose fat eating pizza!
Sprouted grain tortillas
Favorite tomato sauce
Mozzarella cheese
Favorite toppings (ideally choose veggies over meats)
Preheat your oven to 500 degrees
Top each tortilla with sauce, cheese, and your favorite topping
Place in oven for about 10 minutes, or until the cheese starts to brown. Enjoy!
Moral of the story – enjoy the game, eat foods you love, and may YOUR team win!
Practical, yet still healthy.
Dr. Chis MohrWell enjoy the game and the great recipes. I hope you all have a great weekend.
You Stay Healthy San Diego!
Mike Deibler MS, CSCS